Richard Radcliffe
Richard Radcliffe
Radcliffe Consulting
Sarah Seddon
Sarah Seddon
Head of Planned Giving
Combat Stress
Elle Cohen
Elle Cohen
Senior Legacy Marketing Manager
Rachel Hedley
Rachel Hedley
Senior Legacy Fundraising Manager
Jen Clayton
Jen Clayton
Senior Legacy Marketing Executive
RAF Benevolent Fund
Donna Barclay
Donna Barclay
Head of Legacy Income Management
Louise Timbrell
Louise Timbrell
Head of Legacy Management
Caroline Reynolds
Caroline Reynolds
Senior Legacies Executive
University of Oxford
Christine Neubeiser
Christine Neubeiser
Director of Income Generation
Terrence Higgins Trust
Dominic Myers Green
Dominic Myers Green
Head of Legacies
Save the Children UK
Emma McCormack
Emma McCormack
Head of Legacy Giving
Victoria and Albert Museum
Kelly Marie Braund
Kelly Marie Braund
Solicitor and Senior Legacy Administration Manager
Diabetes UK
Neil Antcliffe
Neil Antcliffe
Legacy Manager
Leonard Cheshire
Rebecca Billen
Rebecca Billen
Senior Legacy Manager
Blood Cancer UK
Rod Etherington
Rod Etherington
Legacy Partnerships Team Manager
Tish Ley
Tish Ley
Lead Legacy & In Memory Development and Communications Manager
Guide Dogs