Please refer to our frequently asked questions about the Smee & Ford Legacy Giving Awards 2025 below. If your query is not answered, then please CONTACT US.

Q: Is it free to enter the awards?

A: It is free to enter any of the categories at the Smee & Ford Legacy Giving Awards 2025.

Q: How many categories can my charity enter?

A: Your charity can choose up to 3 categories depending on your team's area of specialisation. 

Q: Can I enter an award alongside a third-party supplier?

A: We actively encourage collaborative entries and many categories allow for this. Please give the company and contact details of the third party and how they have helped your project. Commercial companies can enter alongside a charity client - please give details of the charity and the project you have worked on together. 

Q: How do I nominate my colleague for an award?

A: There are a small number of individual award categories designed for this purpose. Find them via the categories tab. Senior leaders (Chief Executives/Heads of Fundraising etc..) may wish to nominate teams or individuals from their charity. 

Q: I want to nominate my legacy fundraising team, which categories should I choose?

A: We have a selection of categories specifically designed for legacy fundraising teams. See link here.

Q: I want to nominate my legacy administration team, which categories should I choose?

A: We have a selection of categories specifically designed for legacy administrators. See link here

Q: Can I nominate myself for an individual category award? 

A: Yes, you can - although we would strongly encourage you to include several testimonials from senior leaders within your charity as part of your entry to validate the submission.

Q: What is the eligibility period for an entry?

A: Project based entries are required to be currently active or if completed, to have been completed within the past 18 months. People nominated for specific awards should either be in post or should have left their post no longer than 18 months prior. Equally evidence for any submitted entries should be current or relevant to the past 18 months. Entries previously submitted in the Smee & Ford Legacy Giving Awards should have a significant update, change of circumstance or result.

Q: Who will read my entry and is it confidential?

A: All entries submitted to the Smee & Ford Legacy Giving Awards will be read by our appointed judges, editorial staff and internal awards administrative teams. If you have specific requirements with regards to confidentiality please contact our team to discuss if it is possible that arrangements can be made for you. Smee & Ford would like to share best practice with our community and part of the agreement you enter into with Smee & Ford is to share your projects, people and organisations on our Smee & Ford platform. However, you are welcome to opt-out of this. For further clarification please contact our team.

Q: Do I have to attend the awards ceremony if I enter or am short listed?​

A: No, there is no mandatory attendance at the awards ceremony in April as a result of a successful entry. The Smee & Ford Awards team would encourage you to celebrate your success and be part of the event. Please contact Kash Kassim on 0203 5107098, or on

Q: Can I withdraw my submission?

A: Yes at any time, just get in touch with our team.

Q: When will I hear about my submission?​

A: The shortlist will be announced on 27th January 2025. Winners will be announced in the ceremony taking place on 18th April 2024. For attendance queries please contact please contact

Q: When will I receive feedback on my entry?

A: We cannot release any feedback before the awards ceremony has passed to ensure we have 100% of our results without prejudicing the result or informing the winners before this date. Post event, we will provide feedback on submissions on request only basis. Please contact our team for more information.

Q: How long is the entry form?

A: There are 3 main questions each requiring a maximum of 200 words, plus some basic single line questions. There is also the opportunity to submit supporting evidence.

Q: How much does attendance cost?

A: Please email for more information.