Excellence in Working with Lay Executors
Category Partner
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Working with lay executors presents both a challenge and an opportunity for any legacy team – and each relationship combines a complex set of circumstances, sensitivities, possibilities, and outcomes.

This award recognises:

This award recognises the fine balance of experience, project management, perseverance, people skills and diplomacy needed to forge effective lay executor relationships – perhaps the most vital skill within legacy administration.  

Judges will be particularly interested in:

Judges will be particularly interested in entries that combine diplomacy, patience, bereavement training, staff training in this challenging area, record successful financial outcomes, good reputation management.  You will be asked to demonstrate your achievements over the last 12-18 months, with evidence up to the awards entry deadline.


This award is open to charity professionals working in or with legacy giving teams.


List the method in which you and / or your team approach lay executor relationships and any training used to assist in the process.


Show how your skill in this area has aided the smooth processing of charitable wills, shortened case timelines, and added to the income pipeline.


Demonstrate how forging successful relationships with lay executors has influence the wider, public perception of your legacy programme and your charity.

Excellence in Working with Lay Executors


To find out more

For entry enquiries, contact contact Jamie Hawkins on 0333 1504 936 or delegate@smeeandford.co.uk