New Category
Best Legal Partner to the Legacy Sector

How to apply

  1. Register an account.
  2. Start your entry (save it in-progress).
  3. Submit your entry to be in the running.

Best of luck!

For any questions, please contact Jamie Hawkins or 0333 1504 936


Your legal firm is more to the sector than just a source of advice for legacy giving teams. Your team is a skilled and trusted partner to the sector, working hand in hand with charity legacy professionals, enabling them to achieve the very best possible results from their bequests and wider legacy strategy.

This award will recognise:

This award will recognise a legal firm that provides an enhanced and comprehensive service for today’ legacy giving sector – who have moved advisor - into the role of trusted partner.

Judges will be particularly interested in:

Judges will be particularly interested in entries from legal firms that can show how they offer a wider supportive partnership with a legacy giving team and have helped to significantly improve outcomes for that team.

You will be asked to demonstrate your contribution and achievements to the sector over the last 12-18 months, with evidence up to the awards entry deadline.


Third parties (non-charity) organisations working with or alongside the charity legacy sector.


Show us how your legal firm offers outstanding support and guidance for legacy giving teams – and why you lead the sector.


Give examples of you exceed best practise standards and also offer enhanced partnership services to the legacy community


Tell us how your partnership with the sector has benefitted legacy giving teams in reaching their strategic goals

Best Legal Partner to the Legacy Sector


To find out more

For entry enquiries, contact contact Jamie Hawkins on 0333 1504 936 or